Ordo Complex

Commercial application for data evidence on web platform

Ordo Complex is a set of components covering a whole application lifecycle from design, development, debugging, testing to deployment and application of changes to a running application. Its components are:

  • Ordo Instrumentum allowing (using templates and GUI) a creation of fully customizable Java EE 6 application based on an XML definition.
  • Ordo Update allowing an easy distribution and deployment of updates using a simple repository with a directory structure accessible via URL (file:// or http://).
  • Ordo Environment ensuring an installation of required libraries and a configuration of parameters supported by J2EE servers (GlassFish, WebLogic, JBoss).
  • Versioning system (revision control) providing changes recording with a fast return option. It also ensures automatic naming of SW versions.
  • Applications and modules administration recording installed applications and their modules.
  • User interface for a project synchronization, debugging and deploy in NetBeans.


OrdoComplex - system overview including installed modules and applications

OrdoComplex.png, 37kB

OrdoUpdate - a tool for components update

OrdoUpdate.png, 22kB

GUI - possibility of application deployment and debugging on a remote server in NetBeans